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Our Privacy Policy

The services we provide to you will involve you sharing with us, as well as us holding your personal information. Our responsibility is to protect your privacy.


We do not take this responsibility lightly.


We appreciate the trust that you have placed in us, and are fiercely committed to protecting your privacy and keeping the information you share with us private.



If you decide to use our services, you accept that by sending us your personal information, that you agree to us using, storing, and accessing your personal information under the terms and conditions set out in this Policy.


Personal Information

Your personal information is any information about you, that could be used to specifically identify you.


For us to provide our services to you, we need to hold personal information about you, which will include information like your name and name changes, your address, your birthday, your contact details, qualifications, training and education, your employment history, skills, capabilities and strengths, results of any aptitude or personality testing, CV information, salary and wages history and benefit information, and IRD details.


We may also need to access information from background checks like employer references and professional feedback, your credit record, your ACC history, some medical history and notes, banking details, drivers licence details and criminal history.


Why we request and hold Personal Information

We provide recruitment, temporary placement, training, professional development, and career support services.


We will only request personal information needed to assess and match you with employment & placement opportunities, training opportunities and career support services that you need.


How we will use your Personal Information

We will need to access your personal information to:

  • Match you with employment opportunities.

  • Help your career development.

  • Help you with training and support services.

We also send you marketing communications to your email, phone and text, as well as via our mobile app with updates about our services and opportunities, and you can opt out at any time from receiving marketing emails.


How we collect your Personal Information

We will collect your personal information through multiple sources, including in our communications with you (verbal conversations, documents you share with us, written letters, any digital and electronic communications between us), and also through checks with relevant background check agencies like credit report agencies, Ministry of Justice, ACC, Inland Revenue Department. We may also receive information about you from previous employers, training providers, and professional trade and industry contacts.


Disclosure of your Personal Information

Zalense commits to fiercely protect your personal information. We will never disclose any personal information to any third party unless you have specifically requested a service from us which we need to share information (like a potential or current employer or workplace) – or if you have asked us to share specific information.

We will also share personal information where a legally enforceable request has been made for us to share this information, such as by a court order, or other legally binding official request for information from a government agency.


Access to your personal information

It is your personal information, and you have trusted us as a custodian of your information. You have full and complete access to a copy of your personal information that we hold.

Simply email us with your request for a copy of your personal information at


Changes to your Personal Information

If you would like to change or modify any of your personal information that we store, simply email us at with your request to change.

We have a legal obligation and responsibility to retain personal information on file, so we cannot destroy personal information that we hold.


Changes to our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may be reviewed from time to time, and we retain the right to update the Policy accordingly, which you can access on this page.



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